SPHERE – Smart Pocket HEalth Record – is a new solution for remote patient monitoring (RPM).

Current mobile devices for telemedicine require data connection (Wi-Fi or Bluetooth) in order to perform a routine test and send the collected measures to a healthcare professional in real-time. This increases the cost of the device for the patient, or for the insurance company, or for the national healthcare.  

SPHERE, on the contrary, only requires a smartphone or tablet and works with any standard medical device without data connection. The SPHERE App is easily downloadable and the patient has simply to take a picture of the medical device’s screen with the measured output. SPHERE automatically recognizes the device, the health parameter and sends the measured value to the telemedicine center of interest. In addition, geolocation, day and time of the acquisition, patient specific and medical device information are encrypted and stored for further medical consultation. In the case of values “out of range”, SPHERE immediately alerts the clinician as well the patient.

SPHERE is easy to use, affordable and can be used on multiple devices and different kind of measures.

SPHERE, all around you!


  © 2016 ImagEngLab srls
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